we are seeking leaders to build the next generation of One Yoga’s core faculty
To be considered for the One Yoga Leadership program, you are a teacher who has completed a 100HR Yoga Teacher Training with Ryan Leier and are currently teaching at a One Yoga or affiliate studio. You are considered a leader of your community through your commitment to living yoga. You are an active participant in One Yoga workshops and trainings lead by One Yoga, Ryan Leier & his teachers [ ie. Father Joe, Ramaswami, Baron Baptiste, or Nicki Doane ]
What’s included
One-on-one mentorship in your goals as a student, teacher, yogi, and change makers.
monthly group call from June-October
attending 100 hrs of this summers training as part of the leadership program (supporting students, listening for teachings in a new way, assisting, leading walks)
A mat space FOR ONE LEVEL(100 HRS) OF our upcoming teacher training programs
The opportunity to shadow Ryan Leier & One Yoga faculty throughout training
The opportunity to take on higher level responsibility as a leader in the One Yoga community
Potential consideration to lead future One Yoga events and trainings
Accountability, guidance, and community.
Special rates on One Yoga events and trainings
Program Cost
$2000+gst (CAD)
Applications for the 2021 LEADERSHIP PROGRAM
words from our alumni -
I jumped into this leadership program because Sangha or community is the most important thing to me. I managed a studio, many teachers and employees and I wanted to do right by them. I felt the very real struggles of running a business, managing people and navigating my role in my small town community. I was looking for guidance and support as I was tired of going at it all alone.
Some answers I received were direct, some came through practice, introspection and time. When the pandemic hit mid program, this became my life raft that kept my head above water and my focus on what is good. I could have chosen to get swept away by the chaos, but I stayed grounded and focused within program instead. The chance to immerse myself in another teacher training was exactly what I needed, the mentorship was key and the people that I have met within the program are now great friends that I continue to work with.
The One Yoga team is a real family and Ryan is a teacher that will inspire you to be the person that the world really needs you to be.
“leadership is rooted not in power and authority, but in service and wisdom.”
-Robin Wall Kimmerer “Braiding Sweetgrass”
This program redefined my definition of leadership, and helped me realize that the ways each of us step into our roles as leaders are as vastly diverse as we are. Leadership is taking loving care of yourself, making sure your needs are met. Leadership is reciprocity; we must allow ourselves to be supported, to be held, in order to do so for others. Leadership is healing your deepest wounds, then providing solace and guidance for those with similar scars. Leadership is devotion to empowering collective rising.
My time in the leadership program has been great, I love connecting to the community and this gave me a structure to work on myself - within the guidance of my community. I have been surprised by how much has changed since joining the leadership program; I moved jobs, I moved provinces and I am in a new relationship. I received what I needed from my mentors, the support to be myself. Some days that was feedback and some days that was acknowledgment. I love what our community has to share because it is so grounded and rooted in respect, compassion and honesty. Leadership is a byproduct of bravery, faith, honesty, compassion, selfless action, commitment and passion.
In the leadership program, you get to spend time with humans that want to see you do better daily, and that's really powerful, especially when that's coming from someone you look up to. Leadership is vulnerability and the courage to keep going.
Leaders eat last!