Day 47
A yogi is one who leaves a place a little better than when they arrived.
Thank you my friends. I hope you feel the power and the peace that yoga brings. I also hope this sadhana is just the beginning to having yoga be an intrinsic part of your life.
Y’all made my life better over the past 47 days. I appreciate you coming along the yoga journey with our incredible team at one yoga. Mallory, Sam and the teachers made this an unforgettable ride for me. I feel very blessed. Like I said earlier, yoga makes what was impossible before, possible through practice.
I hope you can be like The Dude in the Big Lebowski and say,
“Yeah, Ill be at practice.”
Just like the Yoga Sutra 1:3 “The Dude Abides!
I hope you are inspired by one of my favourite yogi’s Vanda Scaravelli started practicing yoga at nearly 50 years young, while going through a difficult emotional period due to sudden death of her husband. She never stopped...
Vanda studied first for 8 years with BKS Iyengar and then refined the study of breath with Desikachar, the son of Krishnamacharya, who was invited by Krishnamurti, who she spent many years with. Without searching for it, she studied with three of the world’s greatest yoga teachers, with whom she kept up a true friendship. After studying with teachers, her own practice became her Guru. In Awakening the Spine she wrote it was when she stopped having classes and became her own pupil that yoga revealed itself to her in all its beauty.
In a Yoga Journal article, she explained what yoga meant for her. “It is health, it is comprehension, it is creation, and it is above all love. When you are open, love comes in. It is when you are defensive and fearful that you close the doors. When you are open, you can communicate with the person that is near you, with nature, with the world, and you become One with everything that surrounds you”
My prayer is for more peace on Earth and I believe yoga is a way to Peace.
“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Tanka (the Great Spirit) and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.
This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations until there is known that true peace, which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men.”
~ Black Elk
[The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk’s Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux (1953), as told to Joseph Epes Brown].
Please keep your Spine Straight, and Stay Humble. Don’t Forget to Dance. Remember, “Yoga is not Mechanical” (T Krishnamacharya) and everything you do affects everything in the Universe.
The One Yoga Mantra is:
Practice Courage.
Grow Roots.
Truth Is.
We are One.
Something To Put On The Fridge:
(Like Bennie mentioned!)
(according to Krishnamacharya)
Ahimsa: reverence for life, non-violence, not to cause any harm to others
Satya: truthfulness, in thought, speech and action
Asteya: non-stealing, not to aspire after another’s wealth
Brahmacharya: mastery of the senses, fidelity to one’s spouse
Aparigraha: non-coveting, not to possess in excess
Saucha: cleaning/purification)
Santosha: contentment/acceptance)
Tapas: practicing, control of body, keeping fit, restricted food)
Svadhyaya: study of self/study of sacred text)
Ishvara-Pranidhana: (surrender to God, offering fruits of actions/humility)
“Practice and Enlightenment are not two.”
~ Dogen
“I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am at that place within me, we shall be one.”
~ Crazy Horse
Wrap Up Round 2 with Ryan Leier + Sophie Grégoire Trudeau
Tonight we come together to celebrate this community we’ve built, and the energy you’ve each put into cultivating your practice. Thank you again for being here with us, what you do matters.
We’ve heard you. We know many of you are eager to book your next classes. We are so glad to hear you’re continuing to show up daily on the mat, and we’re here to support you in that.
We’ve got the next 40 Days of Practiced planned, as well as an unlimited virtual pass option that will take your right through from now until the end of the next 40 days.
40 DAYS OF PRACTICE: SPRING 2021 (May 13 - June 21)
Join Ryan Leier, One Yoga and a host of special guest teachers for our next 40 Days of Practice.
Includes: Unlimited classes, exclusive workshops, kick off and wrap up events and daily teachings.
Sliding scale: $40 - $160
Join before February 21st, and commit to your practice and The next 40 Days, by purchasing The Practice Continues Pass:
THE PRACTICE CONTINUES (Special Promo, available Feb 16 - 21 only)
Commit to your practice and the next 40 Days.
‘The Practice Continues’ includes:
Unlimited classes on the One Yoga Digital Studio from Feb 17 - May 12
Complete access to The 40 Days of Practice: Spring 2021 (May 13 - June 21)
Sliding scale: $125 - $500
We are thrilled to see how many of you have pre-ordered your 40 Days of Practice, limited edition tank.
Thank you for your support, and we are so grateful to be able to donate proceeds to The Downtown Eastside Women’s Center.
We firmly believe that finances should never be a barrier to practicing yoga - if you are in need of further support, please reach out to
Let’s all keep showing up on the mat!
Click below to head to our schedule and book your next class: