DAY 23: JUNE 4

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Self-discipline, enthusiasm, ardour austerity, control of body, breath and senses, control of tongue and restricted food.

The third of the niyamas (“all the time” or daily personal observances) is tapas.

Tapas may be understood in different ways.  Tapas literally means “to heat or to burn”.  As gold is purified by heating and removing its dross, a yogi is purified by a well planned regimen of purification (tapas - generating heat, asanas and pranayama). 

Tapas has a wide range of meanings according to the teachings.  Iyengar defines tapas as “self-discipline and a burning desire to remove impurities.”

Ramaswami defines tapas as austerities and complete control of the senses.  According to Iyengar and Ramaswami’s teacher, T Krishnamacharya, it is also moderation in food and speech.

“Speaking the Truth (rtam) is tapas. Following the right path /conduct (satyam) is tapas. Study (srutam) is tapas. Being calm/equanimity  (santam) is tapas. Keeping  the senses under control (dama)  is taps. Controlling the mind (sama) is tapas. Giving / Charity (daana) is tapas. Doing prescribed religious duties (yajna) is tapas. Meditating (upasyai) on the ultimate reality Brahman is tapas.”

~ Mahanarayana Upanishad


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