DAY 3 : MAY 15


A Yogi leaves the place a little more beautiful, more clear, than it was when they arrived.

Join Sarah Manwaring for our first Sunday Session this weekend, 8-9:30am PT - The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga: Embodying the Yoga Sutra.

Join Sarah Manwaring for our first Sunday Session this weekend, 8-9:30am PT - The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga: Embodying the Yoga Sutra.


A Yogi leaves the place better than it was when they arrived.

~ Ahimsa and Sauca
(Yama / Niyama, The Yogic Code)

The Yamas and Niyamas are the first two steps to Ashtanga Yoga. They are the prerequisites to asana.

(according to T. Krishnamacharya)


Ahimsa: non-violence, not to cause any harm to others

Satya: truthfulness, in thought, speech and action

Asteya: non-stealing, not to aspire after another’s wealth

Brahmacharya: mastery of the senses, fidelity to one’s spouse)

Aparigraha: non-coveting, not to possess in excess


Saucha: cleaning/purification

Santosha: contentment/acceptance

Tapas: practicing, control of body, keeping fit, restricted food

Svadhyaya: study of self/study of sacred text

Ishvara-Pranidhana: surrender to God, offering fruits of actions/humility

With out these foundations, true Yoga is an impossibility.

It takes practice and disciplined effort for most people get grounded in these ways of being. BKS Iyengar says, “Without firm foundations a house cannot stand. Without the practice of the principles of yama and niyama, which lay down the firm foundations for building character, there cannot be an integrated personality. Practice of asanas with out the backing of yama and niyama is mere acrobatics.” 


40 Days of practice Resources: