Day 37

Baron Baptiste in Natarajasana
(Lord of the Dance Posture)

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When I was started to dive deeper into yoga, one of my first steps was to visit the local library. I borrowed two books, Mr. Iyengar’s Light on Yoga and Baron Baptiste’s Journey Into Power. Inspired by what I read, I knew I had to meet these inspiring teachers. I haven’t looked back since.

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Since 2006 Baron has been my teacher; He has also become a mentor and friend. We’ve spent time together in Hawaii, Iceland, Europe, the US and Canada. I’m so grateful for all the medicine over the years..

So much of what he practices and teaches aligns perfectly with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

40 Sutras For The 40 Days:
My “Yogi Sutras Of Baron”

Truth Is. (Sat Nam)

Defy the Impossible.

Go from a human being doing yoga, to a human being yoga.

Yoga is the art of listening.

In order to heal, you must feel.

Be like Moses at the Red Sea, realize you are in over your head by yourself and give it up to God.

Come as you are, not as what you think you should be.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

The breath is the key to unlocking your body’s potential.

A transformed person is someone that can tell the truth.

If not you, who? If not here, where? If not now, when?

Willpower comes from your intellect, but soul force is powered by your connection to the infinite universe.

The Latin root of universe is "uni" which means "one", and "verse" which means "passage", "one passage"; I take that to mean that each of us has our own authentic path.

Try easy, it means that you go from seeking a better pose to just being in it. If you relax and stop resisting and reacting, you'll just know what you need to do in the pose.

Make yourself light.

Take your poses seriously, but take yourself. Smile to yourself; laugh inside.

Staying focused on what you cannot do prevents you from discovering what you can do.

If you can, you must.

Drop what you know.

Think less, be more.

There is nothing to fix.

If you don’t stand for something, you fall for anything.

I'm not teaching you anything you don't already know somewhere deep within your being. Your genetic systems are encoded with this knowledge. My role is to awaken you to what you have simply forgotten along the way.

You are either now here or no where.

The greatest source of natural power we have available to us is being ourselves.

Journey into Power is about excavating the amazing, radiant self already inside you. Within you is a power that is already perfect, and the true essence of seeking on this journey is accepting.

Be a drop, a stream, or a raging river—it doesn’t matter which form you take, as long as you remain in the flow.

When you focus on the problems, you get more of the same. What you focus on you create.

Transformation comes not by adding things on but by removing what didn’t belong in the first place.

The pose begins when you want to get out of it.

If you’ve always done what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

The work you do on the mat facilitates your whole life.

Choose not to struggle.

Wandering eyes equal a wandering mind; focused eyes equal a focused mind.

The deeper aim of the practice is not to solve problems, and that there is, in fact, nothing to fix.

Come as you are, not as what you think you should be.

Acceptance of what is and is not happening - in a pose as in life - creates peace.

You are already whole and complete.

Ultimately, yoga is about creating Space: space within your spine; space within those secret pockets of tightness; space between your muscle fibers, bones, and joints; space between your doubts and beliefs; space between your emotions and reactions; and most important, space between your ears.

In this space of LOVE all things are possible.

If you love yoga I would highly recommend getting Baron’s book, Journey Into Power.

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Wasn’t able to attend Ryan’s class yesterday evening? Follow the link below to replay, valid until Saturday at midnight PST.



Today, Saturday February 6th
8-9am PST Vinyasa with Mara Branscombe
12-1pm PST Spa Flow with Peter Elmas
4-6pm PST Vinyasa with Risto Duggan
6-7:15pm PST Yin with Malina Dawn

Tomorrow, Sunday February 7th
8-9:30am PST Sunday Session:
The Sutras: A 21st Century Conversation with Malina Dawn
10-11am PST Vinyasa with Sarah Manwaring
12-1pm PST Vinyasa with Mari Dickey
6-7:15pm PST Active Yin with Risto Dugan