Day 6
In Sanskrit, asana means “to sit” or “posture.” I dig one translation of asana that says, “to be with that which is eternal.” Asana is our connection to the earth, the sky and the universe. It is not just a physical posture but also deals with mind set. If we stretched the meaning a bit it could not only mean “seat”, but it could be what we stand for.
YOGA SUTRA Chapter Two Verse 46
“Āsana needs to combine qualities of steady attentiveness (sthira) and spacious clarity (sukha).
Patanjali states that asana must have the dual qualities of: Sthira / Sukha (stability / comfort). Posture (asana) is grounded, alert and stable without rigidity and tension. It is calm, relaxed, joyful, agreeable and comfortable without dullness, sleepiness and heaviness.
Mr. Iyengar says, “I used to play, but now I stay.”
The postures were designed for us to “Be still and know...”
Well into her late 90’s towards the end of her life, Indra Devi’s asana practice consisted only of Padmasana (lotus pose), Janu Sirsasana (head to knee pose) Ardha Sirsasana (half headstand pose), and Ardha Matsyendrasana (spinal twist pose). Her light has continued to shine through the whole world.
Indra Devi’s mom in headstand!
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