Day 7


In the Yoga Sutra; asana practice is explained in book II, sutras 46 and 47. Tiramulai Krishnamacharya and Srivatsa Ramaswami’s interpretation of these two sutras are quite illuminating and very practical.

Ramaswami, (a student of Krishnamacharya's for over 30 years) states that there are four main parameters of Vinyasa Yoga Asana practice: steadiness, relaxation (comfort), smoothness of breath and vigilant focus on the breath.

​Sthiratva:​ steadiness

​Sukhatva:​ comfort

Prayatna-shaitilya:​ Smoothness of breath

​Ananta-samapatti:​ Unwavering focus upon the breath

BKS Iyengar’s translation is different:

prayatna saithilya ananta samapattibhyam

Perfection in asana is reached only when effort ceases, instilling infinite poise and allowing the finite vehicle, the body, to merge in the seer.

Source: English translation from Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (B.K.S. Iyengar)

I’d invite you to focus on your breath as well as being some effortlessness and receptivity and see what happens...

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Question to T Krishnamacharya:

Q: How long should a person stay in an āsana every day?

A: A person must stay in any one āsana for at least fifteen minutes.

Do your daily asana.