DAY 10 : MAY 22




Watch your posture and watch your mouth!

YOGA SUTRA: Chapter Two Verse 46



Irresistible stability and alert relaxation.
(Qualities of an asana, yoga sutra 2:46)

“Steadiness and comfort characterize a yogic posture”

~ Srivatsa Ramaswami

“Asana needs to combine qualities of steady attentiveness (sthira) and spacious clarity (sukha).”

~ TKV Desikachar

Patanjali states that, asana must have the dual qualities of: sthira / sukha (stability/comfort). Posture (asana) is grounded, alert and stable without rigidity and tension. It is calm, relaxed, joyful, agreeable and comfortable without dullness, sleepiness and heaviness.

“To straighten the crooked you must first do a harder thing — straighten yourself.”

~ The Buddha, Dhammapada


40 Days of Practice Resources: