DAY 9 : MAY 21


The Yogi Code

In his book the Yoga Makaranda, Krishnamacharya writes about the importance of the “Yogi Code” on the path to Freedom and Peace.

“Just as in order to climb the Tirupati hill one has to climb step by step and only at the end does one achieve darsanam of the swami and experience happiness, similarly everyone who follows the path of yoga sastra has to climb the eight steps of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi proceeding according to the given order. Whoever climbs these eight steps proceeding according to the regular order will experience bliss.

Let me summarize them succinctly: if one follows ahimsa, satya, astheya, aparigraha, and brahmacharya systematically without fail, one develops a relationship of affection and compassion not just for other people but equally for all living beings. This attitude of perceiving all living beings with total impartiality (equality) is essential for the welfare of society.

The five niyama are saucha, santosha, tapas, svadhyaya, and isvara pranidhana. If one follows them as krama (in order), then riots, anger, hatred and aversion will become illusory and will slowly disappear from society. When such attitudes disappear from society, we develop purity both internally and in our environments which leads to reforms without any obstacles and to the growth of the highest constant state of peace and tranquility.’”

And from the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says:

‘Arjuna, one who practises yogabhyasa following yama and niyama is a superior atma to those who are tapasvi (ascetic) jnani (scholar) and those who practise nitya karma (rituals) etc. Hence you should follow the yama and niyama and conquer your mind and become a yogi.

~ Krishnamacharya’s interpretation of The Bhagavad Gita 6:46



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