DAY 28: JUNE 9
The fourth Yama is Brahmacharya.
Brahmacharya is continence, control of the senses (moderation), wise use of creative energy. Brahma (creation, god) Charya (to move, to walk the path). It is to utilize our live force for our highest purposes.
Brahmacharya in the olden days means a student or one who studies the vedas, traditionally the students maintained celibacy. Some traditions this does mean celibacy (to monks and nuns). According to Krishnamacharya, Brahmacharya means to not transgress the institute of marriage (faithfullness).
“To most people, Brahmacharya simply means that if you want to be a spiritual person then you should be permanently celibate. However, since it would presumable be a good thing the the whole world wanted to be spiritual, we would soon have a planet populated by dogs and cats and cows. If God has intentions, I can’t believe this is one of them. Sexual self-control is something else.”
~ BKS Iyengar