DAY 29: JUNE 10
THE study of the scriptures, self-study
Traditionally svadhyaya was the study of the sacred yoga scriptures (Vedas, Upanishads, Yoga Sutra), to get to know the truth. If one wants to be a yogi, they should study relevant yogic and spiritual texts. Svadhyaya also means to study thy self to get knowledge of self.
“All the scriptures tell us one thing: ‘Know thyself.’ If you have known yourself, you have known everything else. Know That by knowing which, you will know everything else. The Bible says, ‘Seek that kingdom within you.’ It is not outside. Seek That within you. Once you have found That, then everything else will be automatically added unto you; you don’t have to go looking for outside things, they will all come to you. So learn that first.”
~ Swami Satchidananda